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Registered, gentle, health tested Shiloh Shepherds

Cedar, our first Shiloh Shepherd, introduced me to the breed that I now know is the one I have been searching for my whole life! Once you've known a Shiloh, there is no going back...

I had always admired Shepherds, but the dogs I grew up calling Alsatians were nothing like today's German Shepherds. The Alsatians I remembered were large, sound, versatile dogs with good conformation and stable temperaments. I'm sure there are still German Shepherds out there that are like that; unfortunately, we could not find them in our search.

Instead, we discovered the Shiloh Shepherd, which has the attributes of old style Shepherds. The rigorous health testing required of all breeding stock was something we appreciated.

In early 2009 after searching for over a year to find just the right Shiloh to add to our family we located a British Columbia based breeder of Shiloh Shepherds , Sherry Drebnicki (now retired 

from breeding) who sold us our beautiful Cedar. Three years later after a long time carefully researching hundreds of pedigrees we found Finn from Kai-Lyn Shilohs in Ontario, who's pedigree was the perfect complement to Cedar's. They were bred in 2014 and Maeve was the special puppy we chose to keep from that litter. From there our pack has grown over the years. Cedar had two litters with Finn and now their descendents are an integral part of our breeding programme. We've introduced other excellent bloodlines including foundation lines with the addition of Fia from CJ Shilohs and through the studs we've used to sire Maeve's and Orla's litters. We've been thrilled with the results and were excited to see what the future would bring with Orla, Fia, Aoife and eventually Conor.    Testing results for all our Shilohs are shown on their pages when completed.  Sadly, we lost our beautiful Cedar on 5th August 2021 to cancer.   We miss her so much - she was the kindest, gentlest dog one could ever meet. 


Our last litter was born in 2021 and we've made the difficult decision that it was truly "our last" litter.   We were informed last year that our already exorbitant farm insurance would increase significantly on renewal if we continued to raise litters.    Coupled with ever increasing costs involved in breeding responsibly, our geographic location, distances from studs, border restrictions/closures for the past two years, the massive increase in insurance makes it impractical for us to continue our much loved hobby.      It's been a labour of love but we can no longer afford to continue.   Please feel free to contact us for general breed information.   I'll always love this breed and will welcome the opportunity to chat.

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