***Sample only*** Specific contracts to be reviewed and agreed to prior to pick-up.
Crannog Shilohs Contract
This is a non-transferrable contract between Crannog Shilohs and the purchaser____________________________________
in respect to Shiloh Shepherd puppy______________________________________ purchase price $
General Conditions:
Any puppy or dog sold under this agreement will not be chained or tied. Any puppy or dog sold under this agreement will never be transported in the box of an open pick-up truck. Violation of this will result in the immediate confiscation of the above described canine. The buyer agrees to house this dog primarily in the home as a family member for as long as it lives. If at any time you can no longer provide a loving and secure home for this animal we will take it back and place it in an approved, loving home. At your expense, you will return the puppy/dog, all health records and all registrations certificates with ownership transferred to Jean Robertson, Crannog Shilohs.
This puppy is never to be given away or sold to any third party without our prior written consent and approval. Approval will be subject to personal interview conducted by Jean Robertson with the potential new owner, reference check and if deemed necessary a home inspection.
Veterinary Care:
Your puppy has been vaccinated and health checked by_____________________and found to be in perfect health. The puppy has also been microchipped with the number recorded above. Since all puppies are susceptible to parvovirus and other communicable diseases you will **limit** exposure to other dogs until all immunizations are complete. Since socialization is critical for young puppies please read our guidelines in this regard. You will always ensure this puppy receives prompt and qualified veterinary care when required.
This puppy is sold on a Pet or Spay/Neuter agreement and will be spayed or neutered at the buyer's expense by the age of 2 years. We recommend spay/neuter procedure is done no sooner than 18 months to allow the puppy to benefit from the hormones released during puberty/young adulthood.
All puppies in this litter will be registered by the breeder with the NSBR or NKC at no additional cost to the buyer. The suffix Crannog will be included in the registered name to reflect breeder of origin. Should you wish to have Permanent Registration (NSBR) as an adult this will be the buyer's financial responsibility. The adult registration process includes having your puppy's hips x-rayed at 12+ months of age and providing a DNA sample to verify parentage.
Nutrition & Supplements:
Since weaning the basis of this puppy's diet has been Pro Plan Large Breed Puppy Formula. We highly recommend this dog food as we have used it exclusively since 1987 with excellent results and longevity in our dogs. Due to recent concerns about Grain Free diets and the link to Taurine Deficient (nutritional) Dilated Cardiomyopathy we will not provide any cardiac guarantee to any puppies/adults who are not fed exclusively on Purina ProPlan formulas. Should you choose to change to a different brand please do so gradually to allow the puppy's constitution to adapt. We require you to continue to feed your puppy a high quality dog food. Shilohs are a large breed with nutritional requirements that would not be met with grocery store brands.
You will notify Crannog Shilohs of any changes in address, phone number or email address within 30 days of the event. You will provide pictures of your puppy on a regular basis - minimum monthly requested for the first year and at least semi-annually for life. We care about our dogs and will continue to be interested in their health and well-being throughout their entire lives. We are always available to answer any questions or concerns - never hesitate to contact us.
Crannog Shilohs warrants this puppy has no known health problems and is presently free of disease. Buyer agrees to have this puppy seen by their own veterinarian within 48 hours to confirm it's health. This puppy can be returned to Crannog Shilohs for a full refund of the purchase price within 3 days of it's transfer to you, as long as it is accompanied by a veterinarian's certificate stating that the puppy has a health problem.
The above described canine is guaranteed for 2 years against severe Hip Dysplasia as certified by Penn Hip or OFA at age of 24 months - reports from Penn Hip and OFA must be submitted to the breeder. This specifically excludes hip dysplasia caused by environmental factors or mishandling by the buyer. The dog will remain with the buyer and the decision on how to handle the hip dysplasia will be made by the buyer and their veterinarian at the buyer's expense. The seller will provide either a replacement puppy from the next available litter or refund of original purchase price at the seller's discretion if confirmation of the condition has been supported by the above documentation. i.e. OFA and Penn Hip reports. ***HIPS WILL NOT BE GUARANTEED IF THIS ANIMAL IS NEUTERED/SPAYED BEFORE THE AGE OF 18 MONTHS UNLESS SAID PROCEDURE HAS BEEN PRE-APPROVED BY THE BREEDER.
Genetic/Congenital defects diagnosed by 1 year of age resulting in death, supported by necropsy performed by a licensed veterinary pathologist. The seller will provide either a replacement puppy from the next available litter or a refund of the original purchase price, at the seller's discretion upon receipt of above confirmation of the condition.
Crannog Shilohs has taken every effort to stimulate this puppy both physically and mentally during the first weeks of it's life. When the puppy is presented to you it will be of sound temperament. It is your obligation to nurture this puppy so it remains this way. The seller has commissioned an experienced Temperament Tester to evaluate the litter between 7 and 8 weeks of age. Temperament Test results as recorded are provided to the buyer as a guideline or base point. Temperament cannot be guaranteed on any puppy as circumstances will be out of the seller's control once the puppy has left the seller's care. Training classes for the purpose of socialization are highly recommended beginning with puppy classes at 12 - 18 weeks of age. This puppy will grow to be a large and protective dog and as such will need to be obedient and well socialized in order to fulfill his/her potential of becoming a confident, trustworthy and ultimately good representative of our breed.
This contract is non-transferable and constitutes the full agreement of the parties.
Whereas the above Seller and Buyer have executed the foregoing contract of sale on this ___day of _______, in the year ______
Buyer:________________________________ Signature:______________________________
Phone:_____________ Email:_____________
Seller's signature:_______________________
Jean Robertson, Crannog Shilohs, Box 126, Forest Grove, B.C. V0K 1M0
250-397-0262 crannog@hotmail.com